Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wicked Wikis

Wikis seem to be a great way for target groups of people to share, coordinate and organise input without having to meet with each other in the flesh - especially using a closed model for a select group. I think an open model could easily get out of control if not monitored.

What a great way for a group of friends to plan a travel itinerary!

In libraries I think closed model wikis could be utilised as a way for team members of a particular ‘working group’, who are located at different branches, to collaborate ideas before their regular meetings eg. Reference Action Group. This would enable staff to be better prepared, and lead to more efficient meetings. Also it could be a useful tool for storytelling staff across the branches to contribute any ideas/activities/songs they have for use with our storytelling kits - a way of increasing resources.

I checked out the following Wikis:

1. Wookieepedia – because the name caught my interest. This would be a great source of information if this was an area of interest, which it isn’t of mine. Hence I found it rather overwhelming.

2. Book Lovers Wiki at the Princeton Public Library – I liked this one because it has a simple layout and is easy to navigate around.

3. Library Success: A best practices wiki – very ‘clean cut’ and easy to travel through, however often a lot of ‘clicking’ on links to get to the end result.

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Banff, Alberta, Canada